About a month and a half after moving I enrolled in vocational training at Texas School of Business to become a medical assistant. I had never been more excited about school. For the 2 weeks before I started I was practically bouncing with excitement. Then school started, and now almost 7 months later I have 10 days left of in class then I start my externship. Even with everything else I've had to deal with along with school (being a parent and the worries of living in a shelter), I have managed to maintain straight As through school. It only took me 31 years to find my niche in life. It feels good to finally know what I am good at and that when all is said and done, I will have a career. Not just a job, but a career!

My daughter, who turns 4 in 2 weeks, has grown and blossomed so much as well. She is at a wonderful daycare (that doesn't cost me a penny, how lucky is that?), and she loves it as much as I do. They take such wonderful care of the kids and they have so many services to help out each family. A few months ago, Isabella started stuttering, BAD. I mentioned it to her teacher and so she was then evaluated by the speech therapist. about a month or so later I noticed a huge difference in her stuttering. It's things like this that make this school so special.

At Christmas we got so many gifts from her daycare and from the place we stay. I was so overwhelmed and my heart was so full of gratitude. A friend once told me that going through this part of my life will leave me with a better understanding and appreciation of life. I do believe she's right. So far I have learned to take things in stride and to take hand me downs (not just for Isabella but for me as well) with an open and thankful heart. I am learning not to take things for granted. To be thankful for what I have and not wanting more.

It's been a huge learning experience and one I am so thankful for going through. It hasn't been a cake walk, but I know that if I can get through this I can get through anything. I have to credit my mom too. She has been such a huge supporter and encourager through all this. I hope she knows how much I appreciate her and all of her help (financially and emotionally). I am also so thankful for some of the ladies I have met and befriended. They help me to know what true compassion is and I know that God is working through me to help them.

I often wonder how me and one of the ladies I live with became friends. She's a 60 year old black woman and I am a 31 year old white woman. We come from completely different backgrounds, but something with us just clicked. She struggles a lot with demons from her past, even still, and I do what I can to help her over come them. I write down inspiring lyrics from songs. I tell her stories from my past. Just simple things. God put us together for a reason. I want to post a picture of her and my daughter, but I'm not. I am going to respect her privacy and not put a picture out there for all the world to see. Like my mom said, "she's been through hell and back, but she's a nice lady."
So you see, even through this curveball, life is still positive. I am not just sitting back feeling sorry for myself. I am out there doing something to make life better. To be where I'm suppose to be. It's a ride, a beautiful one. Hopefully it won't be another year before I post again. Until then, though, may God see you through your own curveballs, not matter how big or small they may seem.
God Bless.