You change your life by changing your heart. -Max Lucado

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Light the Embers

For when the world
Is lonely;
When loves last light
Casts a shadow,
The sky cries
For those who
Are lost
With no shelter
From the storm.
No comfort from
The sun,
No eyes to see
Past the pain,
Only the endless
Of empty hearts,
Bursts of light
Shatter the darkness
Leaving slivers of
Hope for the weary,
Hope for a rainbow
In the light
Long lost in the
Path of life.
For when the world
Is lonely;
When loves last light
Casts a shadow
There is always a
Spark to ignite
The embers,
The dreamers,
The lovers.
For this is the
Only life.
Live it to say
"I lived."